
YS4580 45/0 Spectrophotometer

YS4580 45/0 Spectrophotometer

YS4580 spectrophotometer uses 45/0 (45 degree ring illumination 0 degree reception) geometric optica...
YS4560 45/0 Spectrophotometer

YS4560 45/0 Spectrophotometer

YS4560Advanced Spectrophotometeruses 45/0 (45 degree ring illumination 0 degree reception) geometric...
YS4510 45/0 spectrophotometer

YS4510 45/0 spectrophotometer

YS4510 standard spectrophotometerwith 45/0 geometrical optics structure( 45 ring-shaped illumination...
YS3020 Color Spectrophotometer with Customized Aperture

YS3020 Color Spectrophotometer with Customized Aperture

YS3020 Color Spectrophotometer with Customized Aperture YS30 Series grating spectrophotometer adopts...
NS800 Spectrophotometer

NS800 Spectrophotometer

NS800 spectrophotometer uses the principle of combination LED precision spectroscopy separates the l...
NS810 Portable Spectrophotometer

NS810 Portable Spectrophotometer

NS810 spectrophotometer is developed by 3nh with independent intellectual property rights. It featur...
YS3010 Handheld Spectrophotometer with 8mm Single Aperture

YS3010 Handheld Spectrophotometer with 8mm Single Aperture

YS3010 Handheld Spectrophotometer with 8mm Single Aperture YS30 Series grating spectrophotometer ado...
YS3060 Grating Spectrophotometer with UV SCI/SCE Bluetooth

YS3060 Grating Spectrophotometer with UV SCI/SCE Bluetooth

YS3060 Grating Spectrophotometer with UV SCI/SCE Bluetooth YS30 Series grating spectrophotometer ado...
Benchtop spectrophotometer YS6010

Benchtop spectrophotometer YS6010

YS6010 is a benchtop grating spectrophotometer which is developed by 3nh independentlywith independe...