
YS4580 45/0 Spectrophotometer

YS4580 45/0 Spectrophotometer

YS4580 spectrophotometer uses 45/0 (45 degree ring illumination 0 degree reception) geometric optica...
YS4560 45/0 Spectrophotometer

YS4560 45/0 Spectrophotometer

YS4560Advanced Spectrophotometeruses 45/0 (45 degree ring illumination 0 degree reception) geometric...
YS4510 45/0 spectrophotometer

YS4510 45/0 spectrophotometer

YS4510 standard spectrophotometerwith 45/0 geometrical optics structure( 45 ring-shaped illumination...
Benchtop Color Haze Meter YS6002

Benchtop Color Haze Meter YS6002

BriefIntroduction: YS6002benchtopcolorhazemeterisdevelopedby3nhindependentlywithproprietaryintellect...
Spectrodensitometer YD5050

Spectrodensitometer YD5050

3nh launched new model YD5050 Grating Spectrophotometer Densitometer with 45/0(45 ring-shaped illumi...
Spectrodensitometer YD5010

Spectrodensitometer YD5010

3nh launched new model YD5010 Grating Spectrophotometer Densitometer with 45/0(45 ring-shaped illumi...
M60 American color light booth

M60 American color light booth

M60 color light booth is equipped with 5 light sources. Colors appear differently under different li...
T60B British color light box

T60B British color light box

T60B color light booth is equipped with 4 light sources. Colors appear differently under different l...
 CC120-W Hanging Light Booth Viewer

CC120-W Hanging Light Booth Viewer

The printing color viewer CC120 is suitable for all places where color management is required in the...